In this article I will list a few important reasons why this condition should be prevented and how to cure bacterial vaginosis.

Visit your physician if you suspect you may have bacterial vaginosis

Why Should You take BV Seriously?

The main symptoms of BV; itching and bad vaginal odor is the most obvious reason to take BV seriously.  However, there are other reasons too. In most cases, BV doesn't cause any problems, however there are some risks associated with this condition.   Which risks are we talking about?

1. BV can increase the predisposition to HIV infection if you are exposed to the virus.

2. A woman having BV and is infected with HIV is more likely to pass the infection to her sex partners.

3. Women with bacterial vaginosis who also have HIV will normally get the same treatment as those who are HIV virus free.

4. BV increases the risk of developing infections after surgeries, for example hysterectomy and abortion.

5. In some cases women who suffer BV will be treated for this before surgeries like hysterectomy or abortion for lowering the risk of getting an infection.

6. BV may increase the risk for complications of pregnancy.

7 For pregnant women treatment is crucial.

8. A pregnancy resulting in a child weighing less than 5 pounds and 8 ounces or ending up with a premature delivery, will normally be considered for a BV exam, whether they have symptoms or not.

9. A pregnant woman with BV symptoms normally gets an exam and are treated.

10. Bacterial vaginosis increases a woman's probability of getting other sexually transmitted diseases, like for instance Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV).

How to Cure Bacterial Vaginosis

or how to get bacterial vaginosis relief.

1. Rest assured that BV is treatable with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.

2. Two different antibiotics are recommended as treatment for BV. Your health care provider will know which is right for you.

3. There are great alternatives to antibiotics (see at the bottom of this article)

4. Sometimes we see that BV clears up with no treatment.

5. Always keep in mind that bacterial vaginosis can recur even after treatment.

6. Use all medications your doctor has prescribed for treatment of BV, even if the symptoms disappear.

When You Should Seek Treatment

1. All women with symptoms of BV should seek treatment to avoid complications.

2. Men having been in sexual contact with BV infected women normally don't need to be treated.

3. However, bacterial vaginosis can spread between female sex partners.

Some Tips for preventing BV

The following steps can reduce the risk of creating an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina and developing BV:

1. If you cannot be abstinent, at least limit your number of sex partners.

2. Wash yourself but avoid douching.

BTW, be aware that there are alternatives to cure bacterial vaginosis that can be better and more effective than antibiotics, especially when it comes to recurring BV.

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