Bacterial Vaginosis is the most common cause of vaginal discharge. It's actual an overgrowth of the bad bacteria that is normally found in the vagina.  Usually, when the vagina is healthy, there is a balance of good and bad bacteria.

In a healthy vagina, there is a balance of good and the bad bacteria.  When Bacterial Vaginosis occurs, the good bacteria are lessened or gone and the bad bacteria flourish.  BV is most commonly found in women who are sexually active.

The symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis include fishy or musky vaginal odor, a thin white or gray discharge and irritation or itching in the vaginal area. Some minor cases of BV infections may heal without treatment. Nevertheless, if you suspect you have Bacterial Vaginosis, you must see your physician because the infection can cause more serious conditions, for example pelvic inflammatory disease.

Your physician will be able to determine if you have Bacterial Vaginosis by performing a physical examination which entails testing a swab that contains a sample of vaginal discharge. For pregnant women bacterial vaginosis treatment is especially important because the infection can cause premature delivery or low birth weight for the baby. For some pregnant women who have previously had a baby born prematurely, experts often recommend that they be tested and, if necessary, treated for Bacterial Vaginosis.

Every year, more than 800,000 pregnant women are infected with Bacterial Vaginosis in America.

If you have BV, your doctor may prescribe Metronidazole or Flagyl for you. While you're taking Metronidazole, it is important to avoid alcohol, even in small amounts because it can cause nausea and vomiting.  Because Metronidazole may interact with other medications so make sure you tell your physician about all the medications you are taking, whether prescribed or not.

Metronidazole is prescribed in oral form or as a vaginal gel. The oral form of Metronidazole is 500 mg and should be taken twice daily for seven days. The gel is applied once daily for seven days or twice daily for five days.

Lactobacillus vaginal suppositories are another treatment option. Lactobacillus is the name of the good bacteria normally found in the vagina. Studies so far have not been conclusive as to whether it actually is giving bacterial vaginosis relief or not. Clindamycin is sometimes prescribed as a cure for bacterial vaginosis.

During a bacterial vaginosis cure, it is recommended that you avoid sexual intercourse and/or if you have multiple sex partners, at least reduce the number of partners until the infection is cured. It is also recommended that you stay away from douching. It is very important that you use all of the medication your doctor has prescribed even if you feel relief before the cure is over.

by Gerd Petersen
If you have BV, you need to go through at least one of several bacterial vaginosis treatments, not just because it's symptoms but also because the risk you run for complications. The main complications are;

- Premature labor during pregnancy
- Increase risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases.

The main symptoms of BV are;

- Abnormal vaginal discharge
- Bad fishy smell from vagina
- Itching
- Irritation and swelling of the nether areas
- Cramps in the stomach

A majority of women diagnosed with BV, don't experience the symptoms.  How is BV treated?

Do-It-Yourself BV Home Remedies

Bacterial vaginosis treatments with home remedies will vary according to the method they use to fight the infection.  

Lactic Bacteria Remedies

These remedies are based on the principle that lactobacilli - the "good bacteria", will prevent infections in vagina.  

Tea Tree Oil Remedies

These home remedies kill the bacteria, most likely by producing antiseptic and antifungal substances.

Remedies that lower the Vaginal pH Level

These home remedies are adding an acidic buffer in vagina. This will help to protect against infections like BV.

Most of the home remedies mentioned above will only lighten the symptoms without eliminating the bacteria or vaginal odor completely.

Treating BV with Antibiotics

If you are suffering from bacterial vaginosis or you suspect you have it you should always visit your doctor or gynecologist for medical advice.  The treatment these professionals most likely will give for your BV is antibiotics.  If you are treated with antibiotics, it is mandatory that you follow the prescription the doctor has given very carefully.

Should the symptoms disappear before the treatment period is over, keep taking the medication as long as the doctor has told you. Your physician or gynecologist will also inform you about the side effects antibiotics may have on your condition.

There are mainly two antibiotics that are used for treating BV;


Metronidazole is sold as oral medication or as a topical vaginal cream or gel.  Taken orally the medication can be used as a one-time treatment.  For most patients though, the treatment will take a week or so. Clinical studies have documented that the weeklong treatment is more effective that the one-time treatment. Metrodinazole is known as the most efficient antibiotic for treating bacterial vaginosis.  The drawback with this medication is side effects like

- Headaches,
- Dizziness,
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Allergic reactions,

In the gel or cream form, vaginal yeast infection has been reported as a side effect.  If you experience any of these side effects when you are treated with antibiotics, you should consult your physician immediately


Like metronidazole, clindamycin is available as oral medication and topical cream or gel.  This medication is also linked to side effects which include

- Rashes,
- Nausea,
- Diarrhea,
- Abdominal cramps

Approach your doctor if you experience any of these side effects.

The good thing with antibiotics is that they kill the bacteria that cause bacterial vaginosis. However, in 50 percent of the cases, the BV infection will recur within 12 months after an  antibiotic treatment.  In other words; antibiotics fails to give permanent bacterial vaginosis relief for a significant number of women.  

This fact has forced us to look for other bacterial vaginosis treatments.

by Gerd Petersen
What is the best bacterial vaginosis home remedy?  That's hard to say because it varies from woman to woman and there are actually many remedies to choose from that have proven to give bacterial vaginosis relief. Below I have described a few simple remedies for BV treatment that can be found in most homes. The cures mentioned have proved to work efficiently in most cases.

1 Supplements

There are antioxidants in vitamin A, B complex, C, D and E and they have proven to work well for treating BV. Prepared creams or powered capsules containing vitamin E, works against itching.

2 What About Yogurt?

L. bifidus  and Lactobacillusacidophilus contained in yogurt, have helped restore the acidic balance in the vagina.  These remedies can be taken as capsules or directly into the vagina. Yogurt containing live acidophilus cultures can be eaten as ordinary yogurt.  Capsules and/or powders containing  acidophilus are in most cases taken orally.  Inserting tampons soaked in yogurt into the vagina is an effective alternative for improving the vaginal environment.

3 Trying Gentian Violet and Beta-Dine

Beta-dine as well as gentian violet are both very effective in countering Candida vulvovaginitis. Betadine is an efficient antiseptic iodine bacterial vaginosis home remedy, but should be avoided during pregnancy. Gentian violet is an efficient antifungal stain and effective in giving relief of the BV symptoms.  However, they leave stains and can be a bit messy. Allergy symptoms have been observed from both of these remedies.

4 Taking Boric Acid Douche

A boric acid douche is a great alternative to acidify the vaginal pH. This bacterial vaginosis cure prevents unwanted bacteria from multiplying and destroys that's already present. Some women though, have reported to be sensitive to this douche. Summer's Eve medicated douche, which contains potassium iodide has also proved to be an effective way of lowering the vaginal pH.

Yet another effective but simple bacterial vaginosis home remedy is a vinegar douche made by mixing one tablespoon of vinegar per quart of warm water.

5 Dietary Issues

Foods that contain yeast, such as cheese - especially cheese containing molds, like blue cheese, sugar, vinegar, alcohol, soy sauce, chocolate, fruits and fermented foods should be avoided.

6 Homeopathic Treatments

Homeopathy has proven to work against bacterial vaginosis. Common over the counter ingredients used in its preparations are sepia and pulsatilla.   Specific remedies can also be designed for treating individual cases.

7 Use Cold Compresses

Cold compresses can help for swelling and itching. When you place a cold cloth on the affected area, it constricts the blood vessels and makes the area less swollen and red.

8 Take Warm Baths

An ordinary warm bath or a shallow sitz bath can be a great and effective bacterial vaginosis remedy because it is very soothing to irritated genital tissues. However, avoid soap, as it drys out the natural oils of the skin.  This oil is the body's natural lipid barriers against germs.

Each bacterial vaginosis home remedy mentioned in this article offers a safe, cheap and effective alternative treatment. Always remember to consult your physician before opting for alternative treatment.

by Gerd Petersen
In this article I will list a few important reasons why this condition should be prevented and how to cure bacterial vaginosis.

Visit your physician if you suspect you may have bacterial vaginosis

Why Should You take BV Seriously?

The main symptoms of BV; itching and bad vaginal odor is the most obvious reason to take BV seriously.  However, there are other reasons too. In most cases, BV doesn't cause any problems, however there are some risks associated with this condition.   Which risks are we talking about?

1. BV can increase the predisposition to HIV infection if you are exposed to the virus.

2. A woman having BV and is infected with HIV is more likely to pass the infection to her sex partners.

3. Women with bacterial vaginosis who also have HIV will normally get the same treatment as those who are HIV virus free.

4. BV increases the risk of developing infections after surgeries, for example hysterectomy and abortion.

5. In some cases women who suffer BV will be treated for this before surgeries like hysterectomy or abortion for lowering the risk of getting an infection.

6. BV may increase the risk for complications of pregnancy.

7 For pregnant women treatment is crucial.

8. A pregnancy resulting in a child weighing less than 5 pounds and 8 ounces or ending up with a premature delivery, will normally be considered for a BV exam, whether they have symptoms or not.

9. A pregnant woman with BV symptoms normally gets an exam and are treated.

10. Bacterial vaginosis increases a woman's probability of getting other sexually transmitted diseases, like for instance Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV).

How to Cure Bacterial Vaginosis

or how to get bacterial vaginosis relief.

1. Rest assured that BV is treatable with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.

2. Two different antibiotics are recommended as treatment for BV. Your health care provider will know which is right for you.

3. There are great alternatives to antibiotics (see at the bottom of this article)

4. Sometimes we see that BV clears up with no treatment.

5. Always keep in mind that bacterial vaginosis can recur even after treatment.

6. Use all medications your doctor has prescribed for treatment of BV, even if the symptoms disappear.

When You Should Seek Treatment

1. All women with symptoms of BV should seek treatment to avoid complications.

2. Men having been in sexual contact with BV infected women normally don't need to be treated.

3. However, bacterial vaginosis can spread between female sex partners.

Some Tips for preventing BV

The following steps can reduce the risk of creating an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina and developing BV:

1. If you cannot be abstinent, at least limit your number of sex partners.

2. Wash yourself but avoid douching.

BTW, be aware that there are alternatives to cure bacterial vaginosis that can be better and more effective than antibiotics, especially when it comes to recurring BV.

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