What is the best bacterial vaginosis home remedy?  That's hard to say because it varies from woman to woman and there are actually many remedies to choose from that have proven to give bacterial vaginosis relief. Below I have described a few simple remedies for BV treatment that can be found in most homes. The cures mentioned have proved to work efficiently in most cases.

1 Supplements

There are antioxidants in vitamin A, B complex, C, D and E and they have proven to work well for treating BV. Prepared creams or powered capsules containing vitamin E, works against itching.

2 What About Yogurt?

L. bifidus  and Lactobacillusacidophilus contained in yogurt, have helped restore the acidic balance in the vagina.  These remedies can be taken as capsules or directly into the vagina. Yogurt containing live acidophilus cultures can be eaten as ordinary yogurt.  Capsules and/or powders containing  acidophilus are in most cases taken orally.  Inserting tampons soaked in yogurt into the vagina is an effective alternative for improving the vaginal environment.

3 Trying Gentian Violet and Beta-Dine

Beta-dine as well as gentian violet are both very effective in countering Candida vulvovaginitis. Betadine is an efficient antiseptic iodine bacterial vaginosis home remedy, but should be avoided during pregnancy. Gentian violet is an efficient antifungal stain and effective in giving relief of the BV symptoms.  However, they leave stains and can be a bit messy. Allergy symptoms have been observed from both of these remedies.

4 Taking Boric Acid Douche

A boric acid douche is a great alternative to acidify the vaginal pH. This bacterial vaginosis cure prevents unwanted bacteria from multiplying and destroys that's already present. Some women though, have reported to be sensitive to this douche. Summer's Eve medicated douche, which contains potassium iodide has also proved to be an effective way of lowering the vaginal pH.

Yet another effective but simple bacterial vaginosis home remedy is a vinegar douche made by mixing one tablespoon of vinegar per quart of warm water.

5 Dietary Issues

Foods that contain yeast, such as cheese - especially cheese containing molds, like blue cheese, sugar, vinegar, alcohol, soy sauce, chocolate, fruits and fermented foods should be avoided.

6 Homeopathic Treatments

Homeopathy has proven to work against bacterial vaginosis. Common over the counter ingredients used in its preparations are sepia and pulsatilla.   Specific remedies can also be designed for treating individual cases.

7 Use Cold Compresses

Cold compresses can help for swelling and itching. When you place a cold cloth on the affected area, it constricts the blood vessels and makes the area less swollen and red.

8 Take Warm Baths

An ordinary warm bath or a shallow sitz bath can be a great and effective bacterial vaginosis remedy because it is very soothing to irritated genital tissues. However, avoid soap, as it drys out the natural oils of the skin.  This oil is the body's natural lipid barriers against germs.

Each bacterial vaginosis home remedy mentioned in this article offers a safe, cheap and effective alternative treatment. Always remember to consult your physician before opting for alternative treatment.

by Gerd Petersen
9/13/2017 03:46:08 am

Head lice can be a frustrating experience. This article will help you figure out the best treatment options for you.


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